Tag Archives: Dessert

November 14

Sans Rival Sandwich Bites

The Sandwich Surprise: With Thanksgiving just days away, I had a special dessert on the brain: Sans Rival Sandwich Bites. The Inspiration: Sans Rival is a traditional Filipino cake for big occasions, like graduations, weddings, and birthdays — the theme for this month’s Let’s Lunch. (Check out everyone’s birthday dishes here!) Sheets of baked meringue alternate with healthy smears of buttercream […]

April 10

Bonus Dessert Sammy: S’Marz (a.k.a. S’Marzipan S’Meeps a.k.a. Peeps Almond S’Mores)!

Really, I should just call these S’Messy. I mean, what did I expect from a “Hershey’s chocolate bars + Peeps + microwave + kids” equation? Let me backtrack for a second. S’Meeps aren’t an original concept. Google “Peeps” and “S’Mores” and you’ll get like 350,000 hits. But I love love love Peeps. Check out what […]